Staying true to the DIY roots of So You Wanna Be a Witch — its original title, and one of the first podcasts of its kind to combine business and witchcraft — the sub-brand for The Holistic Business Podcast carves its own space between your typical buttoned-up business podcasts and whimsical love-and-light mystical podcasts.
This sub-brand builds on the core colors of the HBA brand, introducing cream, forest-floor greens, and emphasizing rust as an accent. This makes for a warmer and softer look than the overarching HBA brand — but retains the heretical “grown-up grunge” look & feel.
An additional LOUD font, Bebas Neue, more obviously differentiates the Podcast content from other HBA programming, as well as adding back some of the *punch* to the softer palette. A wide range of new paper & film textures adds to HBA’s trademark gritty aesthetic while adding lots of versatility for episode art and promo materials.