Brand design emergencies don't exist.

 (And if you have a cashflow emergency... why tf are you thinking about branding? Please work on literally anything else in your business first. A logo won't fix it. You have my permission to circle back later ✌🏻)

Not only will rushing the process not help anything, but you'll get the best result by designing for the future — not right now

If you want your branding to last potentially years until the next big shift in your business, you don't need it done yesterday. You need it done well. 

You need it done with an eye toward your next goals, hopes, and dreams — not from the urgency of "I should have done this earlier and now I need to catch up."

The FIRE in FIREBRAND isn't about speed. It's about passion, vibrancy, illumination, inspiration, life-generating and growth-sustaining heat. (More Sun than Mars if you speak astrology.)

FIREBRAND is more of a slow burn than a pressure cooker. There is time for both marination and last-minute inspiration built in, and that's a feature, not a bug. 

If you need something "done in a day," I'm not for you, but there are other designers out there who thrive on that. Though some would say five-ish weeks is still pretty dang fast for a brand as thorough as these are!

If you'd rather make sure no corners are cut on the brand that will represent your work for years than have something ready for a specific launch in exactly 19 days and 3 hours — that's what I'm here for. 

Say it with me, service providers: no, I can't do it before the end of the year :) 

Longevity you can grow into > instant and fleeting gratification. 

If you want a brand that you won't outgrow as soon as you hit your next growth spurt, let's talk about it. 

No, I don't have availability before the end of the year, but my books are open for Q1 — and if you're planning ahead, now is the time to take the first step: booking your fit call.


I won’t convince you that you need to rebrand.


So you’re done with the whole black-on-beige femme-script-font “soulpreneur” look... now what?