Work in Process
The Swail Studio Blog about Branding,
visual identity, magic, and the void.

how to strategically half-ass things
Dispatch from my Mars return in Cancer 🦀
Especially when it comes to business, absolutely none of the Mars in Cancer advice matches up with conventional “get shit done” motivational advice.
After 5 years of selling stuff on the internet, I understand how I have to approach business better than ever, and it’s frankly not generally recommended.

I was hired based on the color of my resume paper.
I had no idea that this was how it went down until my art director told me the story over lunch six months later...

Inspired by the movement and flow of art nouveau — and the dance backgrounds shared by the members — the logo and accents incorporate varied line weights and intentionally-imperfect curves and flourishes that draw the eye through logos and patterns.

unobstructed views
I had no grasp of just how obstructed my view of the sky is in NYC until I moved away. We all know that moving somewhere new means a big PeRsPeCtIvE sHiFt. But literally… have you ever just looked at THE SKY in utter awe?

I would rather die.
I have watched a pathological amount of Star Trek this year.
I firmly believe that all media you binge-consume counts toward something positive eventually. There’s a reason you’re drawn to it. Especially while paralyzed on the couch during a depressive episode.
Then, there’s the media that immediately changes your life.